Museum Shop

Museum Shop

The museum gift shop is accessible at the beginning and at the end of your visit.

The shop includes a wide range of books for children and adults.

Reproductions of artefacts which are symbolic of the Carnac collections, crafted by confirmed artists especially for the museum gift shop.

Reproduction of the serpentine axe pendant from the tomb of Er Grah (Locmariaquer) – Neolithic
Reproduction of blue-green and yellow bracelets found at Kerhillio (Erdeven) and on the Island of Moutons (Finistère) – Iron Age

With a range of original and ethical gifts and souvenirs specific to the museum (ISO-Oeko-Tex t-shirts cotton tote from the Vosges, hypoallergenic tatoos and microfiber glasses cloths…).

Click & Collect

If you wish to purchase an item from the museum during closing hours simply send an email to :

  • Let us know what you’d like and when you’re available to pick it up, leave us your email and telephone number and we will fix a pick up time for your order.

1 person at a time

As a result of the current health crisis we will ask you wear a mask and to wash your hands with hand sanitizer on arrival.

  • Your order can be paid by credit card or by cheque made out to “Régisseur de recettes”

Click to see the Museum’s selection


You need an advice, further information ? You spoted a gift that is no longer in the shop ? Feel free to contact us, we will be glad to help you out and answer your questions !